We have been busy behind the scenes and added a couple of videos to TikTok and Youtube showing a snip of what we have been upto over the last few weeks.
We also turned on the Whatsapp so why not “Give The Whatsapp a Bash” please feel free to send us any voice messages , Jokes , Photos infact anything you want.
But anything you send has a good chance of ending up in a Beeman show so please behave and don’t swear …… hahahahaha as if that ever worked back in the day.
As you can guess we getting upto speed so any previous DJs like to get in touch we would love to hear from you.
So keep following us on social media and online freedomradio.co.uk and of course “Give the Whatsapp a Bash” on 07922 106452 and send us some nice funny messages…